Media CenterNews We're Reading Now (Week of December 12, 2016)

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Here are the top news stories and trends our media team is following for the week of December 12, 2016.


Niger Feels Ripple Effect of Boko Haram as Fears of Food Shortage Spread

By Dionne Searcey on The New York Times

Dionne Searcey, the West Africa bureau chief for the New York Times, reports from Diffa, Niger on the food crisis playing out in the Lake Chad region as a result of Boko Haram. Describing the situation in Diffa, she writes, “…the town’s small hospital has dedicated an entire wing to treating malnutrition and the illnesses that stem from it.”

Since the Boko Haram insurgency began, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has been providing lifesaving assistance across four countries: Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon. For information about CRS’ work in those areas, contact Michael Stulman.


Vital Changes to Farming Practices Remain a Tough Sell

By Lisa Nikolau on Humanosphere

This article from Humanosphere lays out the importance of climate-smart agricultural practices in mitigating the effects of climate change and the challenges associated with implementing those practices on a wider scale. As Lori Pearson, CRS’ senior policy advisor for agriculture and climate change, explains, “Climate change is so complex, and so big, that it’s really pushing us to work together. We’re really focused on partnerships, coalition-building and bringing a variety of skills to the table.” For an interview with Lori Pearson about CRS’ work on climate-smart agricultural, contact Tom Price.


One Man in Italy Begs for Asylum, and Another Decides His Fate

 By Jim Yardley on The New York Times

This article by New York Times reporter Jim Yardley takes a look at the emotionally draining work of deciding the fate of refugees looking for asylum in Italy. It often takes months for those refugees to find out if they will be able to stay or if they must return to their home country. While they wait, organizations like our partner Caritas Italy provide food and shelter. CRS works with Caritas organizations throughout Europe to come to the aid of refugees by providing such vital resources as shelter and health care. For more information on CRS’ work with refugees in countries like Greece, Serbia and Croatia, contact Megan Gilbert at [email protected].  

Tags: Refugees
Nikki Gamer

Senior Public Affairs Manager

Nikki Gamer
December 13, 2016

Based in Baltimore, MD

Nikki is the Senior Public Affairs Manager for CRS and connects journalists to regional stories and sources related to the agency’s life-saving development work. Previously, Nikki worked as the Communications Officer for the Middle East, Europe, and Central Asia. She has covered CRS’ response to the Syrian refugee crisis and the mass displacement...More