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Each year, Congress negotiates how to spend U.S. taxpayer dollars through a process called appropriations. About 1% of the U.S. federal budget is appropriated, or allocated, for spending by Congress to foreign assistance. Half of that 1% is directed toward poverty-reducing humanitarian and development aid. The House and Senate ultimately decide on funding levels for our budget. Following the Administration’s budget release, Congress develops and negotiates their proposals, and it is important for interested stakeholders to share their priorities.

The backgrounder document provides information and talking points to help you communicate with your members of Congress about the appropriations process and its connections to global poverty.

Reference the annual chart of budget accounts for congressional offices that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and CRS advocate for to address global poverty and share it in your communications with members of Congress.

Read examples of the impact of U.S. funding in CRS programs by each key account with the appropriations leave behind document. This document can be shared in English with Congressional offices either before or after a visit on appropriations.

Download the backgrounder or watch the video to learn more.